The Big Collection before The Big Meeting

Unite Community in Durham are inviting everyone to come to the Durham Market Square on Friday 10th July and drop their clothes…and food as well, as the Market Square is turned into a collection point for the County Durham Socialist Clothing Bank and local food banks.

On the 10th of July – the day before the Durham Miner’s Gala – we will be asking for an extra day of solidarity, in support of those bearing the heaviest burden of tory austerity.

It is shocking that tens of thousands of families in as rich a nation as the UK can’t afford food, clothing and toiletries. Whilst we campaign to change that, we should also do what we can to help those suffering in the meantime.

We will be in the Market Square from 10:00 until 3:00 on Friday 10th July. If you are able to stop by and give us something from the list that would be great. If you are able to do a bit more, try and set up a collection in your own workplace and we will arrange for it to be collected at the end of the day. A poster and flyer are available to download below.

If you want to arrange a workplace collection or have any questions e-mail us at or phone Robbie Faulds on 07532 083108

Poster image

Poster for 10th July collection
Flyer for 10th July collection

Durham Free Software Skill Share Project

DFS3 logo Unite Community have teamed up with members of the North East Linux User Group for a new project which aims to help people with low incomes get access to computer equipment in their homes.

DFS3e The Durham Free Software Skill Share (DFS3) project aims to demonstrate how old computer equipment can be brought back to life with entirely free software, known as Free Open Source Software (FOSS), entirely avoiding the need to use expensive software from Microsoft or Apple.

The idea for the project came from Mark, a Unite member, who said “If we can connect people with unused computers to the people who need them, and give people the skills to take control of their own computing, then we can begin in a small way to set people free from the cycle of destructive consumerism and wage labour”

DFS3b After an initial meeting to discuss Mark’s idea a couple of old computers were donated by Unite Learning Organiser Mick Simpson to try out the software. Both these computers were no longer capable of running Microsoft Windows and were simply sitting in a corner gathering dust. Mark and Barry, also from the Linux User Group, demonstrated how easily a free Linux operating system and software could be installed, and both computers are now fully functional and available for use in the Durham Unite Community Support Centre.

DFS3g Plans were then put in place for an initial public event for DFS3 on the 26th July at the Community Support Centre. Around a dozen people attended, with Mark and Barry joined by other Linux users Dan and Wilf to support the event.

Mark opened proceedings with an overview of the day and a brief description of the differences between free and proprietary software. The rest of the morning involved Dan giving a ‘live’ demonstration of converting a computer from Windows XP to a Linux Mint Operating System and how the various applications operate.

Workshop sessions followed lunch with one group installing Mint on a notebook computer, Barry and Dan leading a group looking at photo editing and creativity whilst a third group discussed safe use and online security.

DFS3i Everyone agreed the day was an unqualified success and shared a determination to build on a solid foundation.

DFS3 is dedicated to promoting socially and environmentally responsible use of technology and fair access to an open internet. Through the project, we hope to be able to make IT equipment available to those who would not otherwise be able to afford it, as well as introduce open-source software to anyone who is sick of having to upgrade their computer every few years because it has slowed to a standstill and wants an alternative, which Linux can provide.


We will shortly be advertising more sessions of the project.
If you have any old desktop or laptop computers which you want to breathe new life into, or would prefer to donate to the project instead of disposing of them, then please contact the Durham Unite Community Support Centre. Any computers we receive will be completely wiped of all old data, so you can be certain that any personal information stored on them will not be accessible to others.

To find out more about the project, have a look at their website at


30 Years On: Strike Anniversary Reunion Parade and Rally in Barnsley

This Saturday the NUM headquarters in Barnsley will host a march and rally to mark the 30th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike.

At 10.30am, visitor will have the opportunity to visit the historic Miners’ Hall, before marching through Barnsley, proudly displaying a number of the union’s banners. This will be followed by a rally in Churchfields Park, with speakers including Chris Kitchen, Women Against Pit Closures and Owen Jones.

From 3pm a buffet will be served at Gawber Road Working Mens’ Club, followed by live music from the Dublin Raiders from 7pm.

The event will also serve to launch the new website ‘Cleaner Coal’, that marks a joint venture between the NUM and Unite with the aim to unite workers in the energy sector. The new website can be viewed here:

View the Flyer.

The full itinerary:

10.30am Visit Historic Miners’ Hall – Exhibition – Tea & Coffee
12 noon March & Rally at Churchfields Park

Enjoy Music & Refreshments at Gawber Road WMC (S75 2PR)

3.00pm Live Brass Band “Barnsley Brass” and Buffet
7.00pm Till late live music “Dublin Raiders” and Buffet

Download the Event Flyer for 28 June 2014

28 June

Unite Community at the London Demo

Unite Community members from across the Region were adding their numbers to hte 50,000 people who attended the People’s Assembly demonstration against austerity in London on Saturday.

Even though the march started from oputside the BBC’s headquarters, they completely ignored it until a flood of complaints were made about the lack of coverage. ANyone would think that the Establishment didn’t want people to know about it!

Obviously, more effective and imaginative ways of protest need to be considered in the future to get their attention. Suggestions in the comments please!





Images of the Past – Sheffield 10 July

You are invited to the official opening of Images of the Past – The Miners’ Strike exhibition at the Harland Café, 72 John Street, Sharrow, Sheffield S2 4QU on Thursday 10th July at 6pm to 9pm.

This is an exhibition of some of the many images taken by Sheffield photographer Martin Jenkinson, who died in June 2012, marking the 30th Anniversary of the 1984 – 85 Miners’ Strike. It commemorates the part he played in the strike as the photographer for the NUM paper the Yorkshire Miner.

The iconic images, some of which have not been seen until now, are from the book ‘Images of the Past – The Miners’ Strike’ which was released in March this year. The book was written by Mark Metcalfe and Mark Harvey, with the images contributed by me (Martin’s daughter) and his wife Edwina on behalf of Martin. I am pleased to say Mark Metcalf has agreed to speak about Martin and his work during the strike on the night.

If you’re not able to come on July 10th please come and see the exhibition which will run though out July at the Harland. Info for opening times and location can be found here

If you would like to attend or know of someone else who might like to, please can you let me know as I need to inform the venue of how many we will be expecting.

Hope to see you there.


Thank You – Banner target reached

We’re delighted to announce that thanks to the extraordinary generousity of branches and members, that we have now reached our fundraising target for the Unite Community – DMA banner.
Our banner will now take pride of place at this years Durham Miners’ Gala.’ – Joe Rollin

The new banner design:


Special thanks to the following branches for their donations.

NAG – NEYH ( NE/401/14 )
Hartlepool Geographical Branch ( NE/GEO/17 )
Co Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust ( NE/408/32 )
Scarborough & East Coast Retired Members Branch ( NE/999/2 )
North East Mears (Sedgefield) Branch ( NE/407/22 )
Durham Geographical Branch ( NE/GEO/29 )
Wirral TUC
Leeds Geographical Branch (CHECK SECTOR) ( NE/GEO/11 )
Northern Powergrid ( NE/204/5 )
Bradford – CYW & Not for Profit Sectoral Branch ( NE/403/10 )
Hull Geographical Branch ( NE/GEO/25 )
Scunthorpe Steelworks Branch ( NE/205/3 )
SGI Sector – Sunderland Geographical Area ( NE/405/28 )
Nottinghamshire Retired Members ( EM/NGRM )
Middlesbrough & Stockton – RTC Sectoral ( NE/300/24 )
Birtley NE/0106 Branch
Cleveland Potash ( NE/405/29 )
Peterlee Area Geographical Branch ( NE/GEO/18 )
Castleford 2 ( NE/0207 )
Sheffield 2 ( NE/0824 )
South of Tyne and Wear Health Branch ( NE/408/25 )
Newcastle Area Retired Members Branch ( NE/999/4 )
Plaxton ( NE/200/5 )
Wirral ( NW/9515M )
Tyneside Safety Glass ( NE/202/68 )

2014 sees the 30th anniversary of the year-long National Miners’ Strike which changed and affected the working lives of thousands of people. In support of those affected by the Strike and to ensure future generations remember, we have commissioned a new banner to be made for the Durham Unite Community Centre.

It will be unveiled at the Durham Miners’ Association Headquarters, Redhills, Durham on Thursday, 10 July, 2014, at the premier of our play “were not going back”

Davy Hopper, general secretary of the Durham Miners’ Association said: “This banner will mark the 30th anniversary of our national strike – a strike which saw Thatcher try to rip the hearts out of our communities. Unfortunately for the Tories we are still here and still fighting – this banner will reflect that”

Barbara Jackson Unite community member, Sheffield Women Against Pit Closures & secretary to Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign said: “The women were the heart and soul of the strike. Without the women the strike would not have lasted a year. You can’t kill the spirit so we are not defeated.”

Workshop invitation: Tackling labour exploitation

Workshop invitation: Tackling labour exploitation among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK

We would like to invite you to attend the above workshop. This FREE workshop is aimed at any organisation, campaign group or individual working with and supporting refugees and asylum seekers at risk of labour exploitation. The workshop will help participants to:

· understand why refugees and asylum seekers are at risk of forced labour and exploitation in the UK

· identify signs of forced labour, trafficking and other forms of labour exploitation

· consider options and responses available to both affected migrants and you

· think about how your organisation can help to improve information, awareness and support for refugees and asylum seekers in precarious labour situations

We are holding three FREE workshops in London, Leeds and Manchester – DOWNLOAD the FLYER for details, and for how to register.

We would also like to ask for your help in circulating the invitation widely to your networks of migrant & refugee organisations, unions and employment rights networks, and anti-trafficking projects.